
I wonder if the nazis accused their opponents of having “Hitler derangement syndrome”

I don’t care who you are, or how long you’ve been around.

If you post anti-trans propaganda or support anti-trans causes, you will earn an instant block across all platforms I’m on.

I will never attend your talks.

I will never buy or support your products or services.

I hope that others will do the same. This is not acceptable behavior in a society. 🏳️‍⚧️

…and now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Great evening on Bluesky, so much Kesley Hightower in my mentions. 😊

Kelsey is a legend, I’ve been a big fan ever since I first saw him speak at Serverless Days in Portland in 2018. It’s awesome that he’s landed here.

My allergist told me that my pulmonary function is near-perfect, which is extra great news considering I had a lung collapse sixteen years ago.

One of the reasons I’ve worked so hard to get people off of 𝕏 and onto other platforms is that it’s bad for us to be stewing in that cesspool.

It’s bad for our industry, and it’s bad for society.

TFW you get invited to a Halloween party and the theme is “apocalypse” and you realize this is what you were raised for.


“We haven’t had a vampire so close to the throne of human power since McNamara in ’61.”

Something I’m working on lately: not interrupting people (like my wife, my biz partner, my employees) with every stray thought I have. A lot of things can wait.

By “interrupting” I mean like texting them/sending them Slack messages—not interrupting in conversation. Anything that might trigger an alert and cause them to stop and think right now. That stuff can often wait.

From Hunter S. Thompson’s obituary of Nixon:

Some people will say that words like scum and rotten are wrong for Objective Journalism – which is true, but they miss the point. It was the built-in blind spots of the Objective rules and dogma that allowed Nixon to slither into the White House in the first place. He looked so good on paper that you could almost vote for him sight unseen. He seemed so all-American, so much like Horatio Alger, that he was able to slip through the cracks of Objective Journalism. You had to get Subjective to see Nixon clearly, and the shock of recognition was often painful.


I got to meet Shara Nova of My Brightest Diamond last night.

I first saw Shara perform while touring with Sufjan Stevens in 2007 on the Illinois tour, and then in 2009 with the Decemberists.

I’ve made it to one of her shows in each decade since. She’s an uncompromising artist, one of my favorites.

A musician with bright orange hair plays an electric guitar and sings into a microphone on stage. She wears a dark outfit and is bathed in pink light, with the crowd visible in the foreground. A musician with a pompadour hairstyle performs on stage, playing an electric guitar and singing into a microphone. The image is in black and white, with the performer illuminated against a dark background and audience. A performer in a ruffled pink top, sun glasses, and dark pants sings into a microphone on stage with their hand raised dramatically. The stage is lit with red and blue lights, with a red curtain visible above. Three smiling people pose for a selfie. On the left is a woman with blue hair, in the middle is a bearded man, and on the right is Shara Nova with orange hair. The background shows the colorful lighting of a venue interior.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Woke up today and our cars were covered in a fine yellow dust. I find it a pollen.

I saw Smile 2 yesterday. I thought it was better than the first one. The whole subplot around fame/celebrity really works for that movie.

Listened to a bootstrapping podcast that touched on Elon and this was basically the take:

“Musk’s political activity is related to his multi planetary ambitions because he’s an accelerationist” (laudatory) 😐

Apparently twitter is going through with the thing where blocked accounts can still view your posts

Acquiring Fireside with John Nunemaker

I really enjoyed this chat with John Nunemaker about acquiring Fireside, the podcast platform originally created by the one and only Dan Benjamin.

Josh and Ben catch up with John Nunemaker after Rails World and dig into John’s recent acquisition of Fireside.fm, the podcasting platform created by Dan Benjamin. What’s next for John? In short, he’s curating some Very Good Software™.

Super interesting to see what’s possible for indie hackers in the world of finance and acquisitions.

Give it a listen!

<iframe width="100%" height="180" frameborder="no" scrolling="no" seamless src="https://share.transistor.fm/e/f7b4f732">

The Honeybadger team has been consistently supporting Ruby Central and its events for years.

If you’ve listened to a podcast or read a newsletter in the Ruby community, you’ve heard their name in sponsorship messages. They do so much for our community and I’m eternally grateful for the example they set. This is especially true when considering how big their impact is compared to their team size.

Thank you to the Honeybadger team!

—Adarsh Pandit via LinkedIn

Thanks, Adarsh! Ruby and Rails have been pivotal to our success as a small, bootstrapped team of four engineers that competes with large, venture-funded companies. It’s our privilege to support the work you do.

Great Blue Heron, taken at Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge in Ridgefield, WA. 📷

Not bad for a 2x teleconverter.

A great blue heron stands in shallow water, its long neck curved in an S-shape. The bird's bluish-gray plumage is visible against a blurred background of green foliage and water. Its sharp, pointed beak and keen eye are in focus, giving a side profile view of the heron's distinctive features. Tall grass stems are visible in the foreground, partially obscuring the lower part of the bird's body. Close-up portrait of a great blue heron's head and neck against a blurred green background. The bird's long, pointed beak is prominently displayed, showing intricate details of its texture. The heron's piercing yellow eye is clearly visible, surrounded by gray and white feathers. The S-curved neck showcases the bird's elegant profile and the texture of its feathers, transitioning from white at the throat to bluish-gray on the back.

Mitsuki Dazai performs the Koto (13-stringed zither) during the Moonviewing Festival (O-Tsukimi) at the Portland Japanese Garden — plus a portrait of my wife and I in the window reflection.

Full res on Glass.

A blurred, ethereal view of a person in traditional Japanese attire playing a koto (a long Japanese zither) through a reflective surface. The image has a warm, golden glow, with the musician's form softly illuminated against a darker background. A dimly lit stage with a person in traditional Japanese clothing sitting on the floor, playing a koto (a long Japanese zither). The performer is illuminated by a spotlight, creating a dramatic contrast against the dark background. A reflection of the musician is visible, giving the initial impression of two players. Red cloth is visible beneath the instrument, adding a warm accent to the scene.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ A close-up view of a person's hand and arm in a cream-colored kimono sleeve, plucking the strings of a koto. The wooden body of the instrument is visible, showing its intricate grain. A sheet of music is partially visible in the foreground. An interior view of a modern building with glass walls and copper-colored ceiling elements. Reflections and lighting create a complex, layered visual effect. A silhouette of a person is visible in the foreground, with displays and lighting fixtures illuminating a second person in the background.

gaining access to anyones browser without them even visiting a website

Good read for Arc users. Here’s the tl;dr from Arc’s response:

  • confirming they had fixed the issue
  • they are adding a feature to disable boosts in the client, preventing this vulnerability from happening on people that do not use boosts
  • they are doing an audit of their current firebase ACL rules internally
  • they have estabilished proper protocols for security issues

additionally, from internal discussions with arc they are also:

  • are fixing the mentioned privacy concerns in the v1.61.1 update
  • moving off firebase for new features and products
  • they are doing a external security audit for this version
  • are starting a bug bounty program for further vulnerabilities

I just recommended Sticker Ninja to another person who is looking for a Sticker Mule alternative. 😂

“They were quick in getting back to me with a proof and great on support so far. And, you know—not fascists.”

They’re currently limiting the number of daily orders they accept, so you need to order in the A.M. (9am PST is when they “open” the store).

It sure feels like Laravel and Rails are diverging on deployment ideology, with Taylor raising a Series A to launch a cloud platform and DHH leaving the cloud for a single server.

As I’m writing alt text for old photos, I noticed that my favorite photos are often the hardest to explain textually.

FrozenRecord looks cool:

Active Record-like interface for read only access to static data files of reasonable size.

It supports JSON and YAML out of the box, but you could i.e. extend it to support markdown files with YAML frontmatter (I bet).

No, your phone is [still] not listening to you. That’s [still] not why you got that Instagram ad.

Guy called wrong support number to complain about support wasting his life.

I realized that our old 8MP Cannon EOS Digital Rebel XT qualifies for the current Shitty Camera Challenge, so I got it cleaned up today! Last used in 2016 when my daughter was born.

A hand holding a Canon EOS camera, focused on a rose in the foreground with a blurred garden background.

man, I wish paperbacks would just include the eBook. I like to read the the physical book, but it’s useful to archive and search the eBook.

I wander downstairs to find Kaylin talking to a small bird on her windowsill. I married Mary Poppins.

A person with blue hair looks out a window at a small bird perched outside, surrounded by various items like jars, a mortar and pestle, and a phone on the windowsill. A small bird sits outside a window, visible through a screen, with a grassy and paved background.