The photographer and their subject
Digital Concepts “For Dummies” 2.1MP

Nice sunset tonight, even managed to capture it with 2.1 megapixels
Digital Concepts “For Dummies” 2.1MP
By David Gilbert featuring Devin Burghart and Jessica Pishko
“What ergonomic keyboard should I buy?” he typed with his thumbs as his fingers curled around his iPhone
This is a very good read.
“For legends attract the very best in our times, just as ideologies attract the average, and the whispered tales of gruesome secret powers behind the scenes attract the very worst.”
— Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism
Loving the salad kits at Trader Joe’s lately. Dill-icious.
I just did the most adult thing ever and bought de-icer for my driveway. Before my driveway is iced over. Please clap.
This is more deep sea creature than mammal, tell me I’m wrong
This is a thoughtful article, and it resonates with me. My interest in coding as a pastime has waned, and I try to view running my business as a job these days.
Hustling is fine when you have the energy but it takes a lot. And sometimes a new idea/opportunity sparks the energy to pursue it.
Feeling slightly less tired:
I am tired
Almost all of the “worst” situations I’ve seen involving kids is when they feel they’ve gotten into a hole and have no where else to turn. Make sure they know they can always turn to you if they’re in trouble, or if they feel they made a mistake. (Mike Masnick)
This is such an important point. There is so much exploitation (online and off) that depends on isolating kids from adults and their peers.
Moral panics never end well, and gloss over all the nuance and root problems as Mike Masnick mentioned. I will dump some thoughts on digital parenting as an exvangelical who was raised by fundamentalists…
My kids are 6 & 8. We use parental controls and keep things age appropriate unless they are clearly ahead in some areas. But our goal is to teach them to be emotionally and digitally literate at every stage of development.
Right now we’re discussing the risks of user-generated content and online anonymity. Many of their friends play Roblox, but we’ve waited. Same with unsupervised YouTube. Nothing is “forbidden,” though.
They’re currently playing Among Us because it’s multiplayer but has tighter communication/parental controls. Seems like good training wheels for online Roblox/Minecraft.
In the past we learned what adverting is. Both my kids can spot an ad and tell you what they’re selling and who the market is. That’s a great reason for a live TV subscription imo.
We also aren’t too worried about screen time. They’ve had iPads and TV basically always.
I worried about screen time at first, until I caught them looking up drawing/crafting tutorials on YouTube when they got bored with it (yes, they already circumvent our best efforts at times, which is also OK and expected, and as a former child myself, it makes me proud).
They both love books and reading, and collaborate on writing/illustrating comic books together.
No social media yet, but tbh I’m looking forward to introducing them to All the Things as they develop and show they’re capable of handling it.
Same goes for alcohol, swearing, etc. (already taught them most of the curse words so they can hopefully avoid getting in trouble with teachers/other parents. 😂)
In general, that’s our approach. Everything eventually, supervised at first, with diminishing oversight as they earn trust.
I know I’m still early, but so far it’s working out—but I’m under no illusions that they’ll “turn out alright.” Adolescence is hard, and so is adulthood. I just want to prepare them for it as best I can.
Huh, an injunction has blocked the Corporate Transparency Act, and there is an appeal pending reinstatement by an appellate court. This article recommends that companies delay filing w/ FinCEN, but remain prepared if the injunction is overturned by December 31.
It’s a travesty how Thomas Paine’s words have been laundered. We learned about Paine in the context of the Revolutionary War and that was it. Imagine my surprise when I read his other books.
Certain individuals in my house will make entire desserts, put them in the fridge, and forget about them. Guess who doesn’t forget about them? 😭
Senior devs: Tell us about that time you took down prod (source)
When we first launched HB I deployed a change that broke notification grouping, so it sent a flood of notifications to all of our users. 🤦
I learned to be very careful when making changes that affect grouping.
dead dove do not eat
Runners: Once you’ve built up some endurance/fitness, can you maintain while running one day per week, assuming a gym/strength routine on the other days? Or must you run multiple days per week?
I convinced my kids to just sit and watch the grinch yule log with me for 30 minutes.
I met two kids (maybe 11 or 12) at the park this weekend. One was dressed in camouflage fatigues with an American flag patch on the arm; the other wore a tactical helmet with the flag of Ukraine emblazoned on the side, and carried a large flag of Ukraine over his shoulder. Both carried toy rifles.
I overheard one say to the other:
“If my mom finds out I brought the flag to the park, she’ll flip.”
I was there with my own kids, and wasn’t expecting a documentary scene—but I was struck by the earnestness of their play, and snapped a few photos of them.
I asked the one with the flag if I could take a photo, and he posed for me. Not including identifiable pictures here because their parents weren’t around to give permission.
Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT 8MP w/ 50mm 1.8 “nifty fifty”
6yo as he diabolically stabs a water-filled ziplock bag with a sharpened pencil:
“He never packed my lunch”
I tried removing the lens flare at the bottom of this one, but it defeated me. I still like this photo even though the tree’s shadow would be better without the flare.
Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT 8MP w/ 50mm 1.8 “nifty fifty”
The concept of original sin. Teach small children they are inherently broken, then weaponize inevitable misbehavior as a sign of their “sinfulness” so they habitually internalize shame, have no self-worth, and as adults become ideal relationship fodder for abusive narcissists. (source)
Many Christians don’t realize/acknowledge the doctrine of original sin isn’t universally accepted across all of Christianity.
Even if you believe, you don’t have to teach your kids this (and punish them for it).
What are the dumbest ways to traumatize our kids so they sound like total dorks in therapy?
Good read about how Orbán used state power to enforce political loyalty from big business, and how Trump, then DeSantis, and now Trump again have done the same.
There is not a pug emoji but there is this:
👁️ 👅 👁️
“guy wouldn’t know majesty if it came up and bit him in the face”
Joshua generation dropout
Here’s what I want to know:
What amount of anti-trans and anti-minority hate are we willing to accept from our open source and business leaders?
Because if the answer is none, then we’re already complete hypocrites.
This is still the best podcast if you want to learn about the far-right’s Christian nationalist roots in the Inland Northwest.
which is better:
meatsack or gut duffel?
concepts of a plan to touch grass
Not ready to discuss business or politics post-election (fuck that), so just recorded an entire podcast episode about Bluesky. What could go wrong.
A good cup of tea is highly underrated
“You’re getting the wedge of allegiance.” —8yo to 6yo
Sitting amidst piles of unread books just posting away
Damn the Sopranos explained evangelicals really well.
Hesh: “you wait”
8yo named her plush spider charlie bigbottom
RubyFriends with Justin Bowen!
Just to be clear: the incoming Trump administration is going to war against their own Republican senate majority and the constitution’s advice and consent provision so they can make a man investigated for sex trafficking a minor into the most powerful law enforcement officer in the country.
Chris Hayes sums it up nicely. I’d also add that Gaetz was one of the foremost insurrectionists in congress.
RFK jr. Wants to dismantle health institutions, he doesn’t believe in science, he believes secret powers controll the government and health sectors, and has been dreaming of being able to dismantle the cdc and fda. (source)
It really makes me wonder, do most people know what RFK Jr. believes and has been saying for years? I think the answer is probably no—but they’re sure as hell about to find out.
RubyFriends with Kasper Timm Hansen! (and Jim Remsik 😂 💯)
Shouldn’t have checked the news.
First day of RubyConf is kicking off. That’s a lot of Rubyists!
Someone is playing a beautiful piano rendition of David Bowie’s Space Oddity at the new PDX airport terminal right now. Portland has really gone to hell.
Packing for RubyConf. These shirts came out so good. 100% produced on the US West Coast. Manufactured in LA, designed in Santa Cruz, printed in Portland.
How does somebody get started in visual journalism?
There are different paths, from going to journalism school to just grabbing a camera and attending events. I like that about journalism—you don’t need a degree to participate. Freedom of the press is a First Amendment right.
Each event is different, but you’d be surprised by the access you can gain by just showing up with a camera. There are also industry groups that can help independent people with journalistic ethics, press identification, and legal support. NPPA is a good one.
ASMP is another one that I’ve found helpful in the past, especially when figuring out things like licensing and business stuff.
Some private events require an extra credential that they’ll grant you after some form of vetting. If you have any kind of presence as an independent photographer/journalist, again you’ll be surprised by how far just asking gets you.
Look for a “media contact” or a contact for “press inquiries”—you can ask around to find out who that is, or ask the organizers. That’s how I was able to photograph President Biden’s campaign stop in Portland in 2022.
Anyway, I’ve only dabbled in photojournalism, but find it fascinating and the little I’ve done has been extremely rewarding personally. Hopefully some pros can weigh in if I missed something or if my understanding is wrong. :)
I should also mention that this is my limited experience as a 6’ 3” bearded white dude.