two minutes in and this is making me like snowpiercer
Eryq Ouithaqueue
It's wild, isn't it?
I just finished the video, and this is now one of my favorite movie theories. ty for sharing!
Joshua Wood
This is certainly a theory, heh
Chris Arcand
That movie is fucking terrible. I have a fairly low bar for entertainment, enjoy most movies, but cripes. That movie is legitimately bad and have no idea why anyone thought otherwise.
Joshua Wood
Haha yeah, I really hate the whole premise of the train, it makes no sense. Not to mention the story/character development.
Brandon Weaver
Would you say it went.... off the Rails?
story is that Weinstein had it edited to hell. feels like there’s no way itd be like that with Bong Joon Ho having more creative control. but also Chris Evans cannot act
Joshua Wood
Seriously though, there was no one to maintain the track $*@!#
Brandon Weaver
I've yet to watch it
Joshua Wood
Yeah Chris Evans is bad lol
Joshua Wood
I don’t think that’s spoiling anything, it’s just like a train that’s supposed to run forever without anyone maintaining the infrastructure. Seems far fetched to me. :P
Phillip Hughes
Ha, my wife and I started watching it. Then it just "melted" away ha