dth by Joshua Wood

I tried something new with my last short blog post about writing. I recorded a narrated version of it. In addition to writing more, I’d like to be more practiced and comfortable speaking into a microphone.

Thank you for RailsConf

This year, Ruby Central announced that 2025 will be the last RailsConf. While I’m sad to lose a favorite Ruby conference, it’s for the best. The Ruby Central team will be able to focus on their core mission: supporting the Ruby language.

There is so much work to do and so much opportunity to improve Ruby’s community and ecosystem. I’m excited to see what Ruby Central will do with their renewed focus, but they must be well-funded to succeed. If you love Ruby, consider becoming a monthly sustaining member—and ask your employer to do the same:


One last thing—It’s too easy to create caricatures of each other, to assume the worst, to forget about the people behind the avatars. Let’s come together to build the best language, frameworks, and community that we can.

Thank you, Ruby Central, for so many wonderful years of RailsConf!

As a former freelancer, I wonder what non-developer founders think about AI coding agents. Twelve years ago, many of the Rails rescue projects I worked on resulted from poorly maintained codebases that the client had hacked on themselves in some cases.

Will the new “rescue project” be code that has had Copilot Workspace PRs uncritically merged by various actors over the years?