Great first morning of talks at Blue Ridge Ruby! Local single-track Ruby conferences are magical, let’s do more of them. ✨

Two speakers addressing a large audience at the Blue Ridge Ruby conference, with sponsor banners including AppSignal and Honeybadger visible behind them, in a room filled with seated attendees listening attentively. Speaker at a technology conference presenting a slide titled "I expect a reliable website. BugHub has been having a lot of problems lately." with a cartoon bug image, in front of an audience of attentive attendees. Presenter at a conference discussing a case study related to Rails and AWS, indicated by icons on a slide that reads "~ 6 months", standing beside a podium with a Blue Ridge Ruby conference banner. Speaker engaging with the audience during a presentation titled "Nothing Is Easy, Is It? A Talk About Nothing (Nil)" at the Blue Ridge Ruby conference, with several attendees raising their hands in response.